The Word
tiṣṭhati—stand firmly
tiṣṭhati—to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action
tiṣṭhati—to remain occupied or engaged in
tiṣṭhati—to continue to be or exist (as opposed to "perish")
tiṣṭhati—endure, last
tiṣṭhati—to be, exist, be present
The root of tíṣṭhati is to stand, stand firmly and station oneself as you present oneself before the world around us. It's within the roots of Tisthati that our product aims to allow you to preserve the active positioning of body and mind while continuing 'to be' or 'exist' (as opposed to "perish").
Hence, as we practice obedience, exercise power and display virtue, this product will reduce the mishaps of your clothing causing obstructions and enable you to cultivate your practice.
No more shirts falling over your face during inversions (i.e. headstand!)