Let's simply be active without shirts falling over our faces!
The human body comes in all shapes and sizes, from yoga practitioners to dancers. Everyone is different! The study of human measurement (anthropometry) uses combinations of bodily lengths and perimeters to analyze body shape in a numerical way. As such, three dominant body types have become increasingly known for human body variations: Endomorphy, who get wider as they go down; Mesomorphy, the natural “V” shape; and Ectomorphy, the slim and skinnies of the world.
Although clothing will remain stable while standing still, it often shifts to cause obstructions. For example, your shirt falling over the head and face when the body is in an upside down position (for example, in “Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana” position during yoga practice).
That's where Tisthati Clips come in! We recognize that different clothing and garments will not all fit each of our body types in predictable ways, especially when exposed to complex body movements or simply during daily activities. Tisthati is dedicated to creating accessories that support the freedom of movement and supporting a positive body image.
“I seriously use my yoga clip every class. Really can’t concentrate or practice without it!”